As an AIM Global Distributor, it is important for you to understand what Product Points are, including the Personal Monthly Achievement (PMA), and New Product Policy (NPP).
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What are Product Points?
Every Product and Global Packages have their own designated Product Points which come in 3 different valuations, namely: Positional Points, Pairing Points (also called Binary Points) and Commissional Points.
See table below, for example:
Product Item | Positional Points Value (POSPV) | Pairing Points Value (PPV) | Commissional Points Value (COMPV) |
Global Package, Associate | 0 | 1200 | 0 |
Global Package, Megapack | 0 | 1500 | 0 |
C24/7 Natura-ceuticals | 0.2 | 10 | $4.25 |
Complete Phyto-energizer | 0.1667 | 10 | $3.74 |
Liven Coffee | 0.0139 | 0 | $1.02 |
E24/7 Natura-ceuticals | 0.3 | 20 | €20.00 (euro only) |
With Product Points at hand, they are used to determine your eligibility and how much will be paid to you using all applicable reward plans –which I will detail later.
How to Get Complete Product List Showing Their Product Points?
To get the complete Product List relevant to your Country,
please contact by texting the 24/7 Customer Support via Viber app on +63 9175 785 817
For example, here’s what you can ask the said 24/7 Customer Support:
"Hi, my name is T'challa Kebe from Nigeria. Sorry, I don't speak Filipino language. Can you please give me a complete Product List with Product Points for Nigeria."
What is Personal Monthly Achievement (PMA)?
Personal Monthly Achievement (PMA) is sometimes called “maintenance.” It is defined as a requirement from you to re-order products, at a monthly basis, that will meet the minimum required Positional Points (POSPV) to qualify you to earn from the following reward plans:
- Matched Sales Bonus (MSB) – is also called Pairing Bonus
- Unilevel Sales Bonus (USB)
- Stair Step Bonus (SSB)
- Royalty Commissions
As you’ve understood by now, PMA is based on POSPV, and the value varies from which country your AIM Global account is. For example, if you have a Philippines account the minimum PMA is 0.3334 POSPV monthly, while in Europe the minimum PMA is only 0.3 POSPV monthly.
So if you are from Philippines, to meet the PMA of at least 0.3334 POSPV, you would need to re-order within a month in quantities of products that when points are combined would at least total to a minimum of 0.3334 POSPV. For example, 1 box of Complete Phyto-energizer has a POSPV of 0.1667. Therefore to meet the PMA of 0.3334 POSPV, you would need to re-order in that month 2 boxes of Complete Phyto-energizer because (0.1667 POSPV + 0.1667 POSPV) = 0.3334 POSPV. See illustration table below as visual aid:
1 box of Complete Phyto-energizer | 0.1667 POSPV |
1 box of Complete Phyto-energizer | 0.1667 POSPV |
Total PMA | 0.3334 POSPV |
Another combination is to order 1 box of C24/7 Natura-ceuticals and 10 boxes of liven Coffee, because (0.2 POSPV) + (10 boxes x (0.0139 POSPV)) = 0.3334 POSPV. See illustration table below as visual aid:
1 box of C24/7 Natura-ceuticals | 0.2 POSPV |
10 boxes of Liven Coffee | 10 x 0.0139 POSPV |
Total PMA | 0.3334 POSPV |
For our last example, you can order 2 boxes of C24/7 Natura-ceuticals which will give you (0.2 POSPV+ 0.2 POSPV) = 0.4 POSPV. See illustration table below as visual aid:
1 box of C24/7 Natura-ceuticals | 0.2 POSPV |
1 box of C24/7 Natura-ceuticals | 0.2 POSPV |
Total PMA | 0.4 POSPV |
As you would notice from the last example the total PMA is over 0.3334 POSPV –which is OK because it is over the minimum required PMA.
What is the minimum PMA for your Country?
The minimum PMA for Philippines is 0.3334 POSPV.
The minimum PMA for Europe is 0.3 POSPV.
To know the minimum Positional Points (POSPV) required as PMA for your Country,
please contact by texting the 24/7 Customer Support via Viber app on +63 9175 785 817
For example, here’s what you can ask the said 24/7 Customer Support:
"Hi, my name is T'challa Kebe from Nigeria. Sorry, I don't speak Filipino language. How much Positional Points is required as PMA for Nigerian account?
What is New Product Policy (NPP)?
New Product Policy (NPP) is similar to PMA but is only applied once whenever there is:
- a new product release and you want to start receiving commissions from the new product, or
- a new country branch and you want to start earning from that new country.
NPP often will just require you to purchase the new product that has just been launched, or sometimes just meet the required POSPV particular to it. For example, I am on Philippines Distributor account and have recently acquired Downlines from Europe, so obviously they are on European Distributor account. For me to start earning Commissional Points from my Downlines in Europe, I had to do NPP a minimum of 2.0 POSPV as established by the Company..
You also do NPP if you have a Philippines Distributor account and want to use the Company’s R2ME system to do affiliate marketing in the Philippines.
What Happens if You Forget to do PMA or NPP?
Let’s say this month you forgot to do PMA. It will mean that you are not going to earn the next month’s commissions generated by your Downlines, particularly from MSB, USB, SSB, Royalty Commissions –including Travel Reward Points or Gift Checks.
Now for NPP, if there’s a new product launched, you will not start earning applicable commissions from this new product until you do the required NPP for it. So it will mean that you will just earn commissions from the other products as per usual –provided you are doing the PMA.
How Does the DTC Know That You’ve Done PMA or NPP?
Whenever you have made purchases for your re-orders to meet PMA or NPP, the Product Points will be transferred by BCO or VCO into your Distributor Tracking Center (DTC) account –particularly in your E-STORE page. From there you still need to do encoding of your Product Points in amounts that will meet the minimum POSPV for PMA or NPP.
Every time you purchase products from BCO, VCO or the eshop, give them your AIM Global member User ID and make sure that your Product Points are transferred by them into your Distributor Tracking Center (DTC) account –particularly in the “E-STORE” page where it should show:
1. which products you have purchased, and
2. the corresponding total of the stocks after adding the quantity you have just purchased.
Below is an example of how it can look like inside your DTC, under the E-STORE page:
As already stated, from here you can encode products in quantities that will meet the minimum required POSPV for your PMA or NPP.
How to do Encoding of Product Points?
It’s easy. See the steps below:
- Login to your DTC (Distributor Tracking Centre) at
- If you have multiple heads, scroll down the page and on the bottom area make sure your main head (#1) is highlighted in lime-coloured background. If not, you need to click it so it is highlighted. See illustration below, for example.
As you would understand, this main head of yours is the member ID where the BCO or VCO has stored the product points of your order.
- On the right side of the page you will see the available points of your main head. You will need to remember which side has the least available points so you can encode the Product Points there. See illustration below for example.
In the example above, the RIGHT side has the least available points –therefore it is best to boost its number by encoding the Product Points there.
- On the left side of the page, find the “E-STORE” option and click it. See illustration below, for example.
If you don’t see this option it means that you would first need to update/change your password within the “Settings” option.
- In your E-STORE page you should see the products you have already purchased. This is also the time to check if the BCO or VCO you ordered the products from has correctly transferred the number quantities to your E-STORE. In case the “Remaining” quantity don’t tally up, you need to advise the BCO or VCO to correct it. See illustration below, for example.
In the example above, if you have purchased 6 boxes of Complete Phyto-energizer product but prior to that you have 1 box remaining, the “Remaining” quantity you should see in your E-STORE is 7 (the total).
- To encode Product Points, for your PMA of 0.3334 POSPV for example, you just need to: (1) type in the desired Quantity, (2) choose the Position, (3) indicate the User ID (member ID), and then (4) hit the “Send” button. See illustration below, for example.
In the example above, 2 boxes of Complete Phyto-energizer were used to meet the PMA of 0.3334 POSPV. Visualize:
1 box of Complete Phyto-energizer 0.1667 POSPV 1 box of Complete Phyto-energizer 0.1667 POSPV Total PMA 0.3334 POSPV - Check to see if the PMA was actually met by checking it on the “REORDER” history page by clicking its button.
You should see the resulting POSPV as shown below:
If it’s not 0.3334 POSPV, the reason being is maybe you have mistakenly encoded the “retail” box version of the product, instead of the usual “blister” box version. If this is the case, just do additional encoding until you meet the minimum accumulated POSPV for your month’s PMA.