Matched Sales Bonus (MSB) is also called a “Pairing Bonus” and is the 4th of the 7th way to earn in AIM Global.
With MSB you can earn up to $408.14 or $544.19 daily. For each time 1200 binary points worth of products or packages are sold under your network is matched, you get paid $25.51. If 1500 binary points are matched instead, you get paid $34.01.
In this lesson, it is assumed that you have already learned from the previous lesson about Product Points.
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Short Video on Matched Sales Bonus
(For Mega Package Account in US$ Currency, at ₱45.4545 per $1 )
How Does Matched Sales Bonus (MSB) Work?
- As an AIM Global Distributor, each of your account in the Distributor Tacking Center (DTC) will have their own “Left” and “Right” sides where your Downlines will be positioned when they register their own DTC accounts.
- In this reward program the Pairing Point Value (PPV), which is also called “Binary Points“, is used to determine instances of MSB for you
Table 1: Product Points Comparison Product Item Positional Points Value (POSPV) Pairing Points Value (PPV) Commissional Points Value (COMPV) Global Package, Associate 0 1200 0 Global Package, Megapack 0 1500 0 C24/7 Natura-ceuticals 0.2 10 $4.25 Complete Phyto-energizer 0.1667 10 $3.74 Liven Coffee 0.0139 0 $1.02 E24/7 Natura-ceuticals 0.3 20 €20.00 (euro only) - For each time that there is a “Matched Sale” in any of your account, you get paid a corresponding MSB amount. “Matched Sales” happen when you have accumulated 1200 PPV or 1500 PPV on both “Left” and “Right” sides on any of your account. Simply put, you earn MSB for matched 1200 PPV or matched 1500 PPV.
- The MSB for matched 1200 PPV is $25.51, while the MSB for matched 1500 PPV is $34.01.
Visualize:Matched Sales: Your MSB earning: paired 1200 PPV $25.51 paired 1500 PPV $34.01
How to Accumulate PPV’s?
There are 2 ways to accumulate Pairing Point Value (PPV), and they are the following:
- Each time there is new Distributor account registration under your network. Here you will gain 1200 PPV if an Associate Global Package was used to register, or you will gain 1500 PPV if a Megapack Global Package was used to register.
- Each time there is product sold and encoded by you or any of your Downlines. Here you gain PPV depending on the product. See Table 1 above for example.
Sample Scenarios in Earning MSB
Here are some scenarios where you earn Matched Sales Bonus (MSB).
1. Recruit to Recruit Match
In this scenario, you have recruits as new Distributors where one registers on your Left side and the other one on your Right side.
For example:
As in the example above, the new Distributor on your Left side used an Associate Global Package (worth 1200 PPV) to register, while the new Distributor on your Right side used a Megapack Global. Package (worth 1500 PPV) to register. Their registration will create a paired 1200 PPV to give you a MSB of $25.51. The remaining unpaired 300 PPV on the Right side will be “on waiting” to be added on your next accumulation of PPV’s.
2. Recruit to Product Match
In this scenario, you have a recruit registering a new Distributor account on one of your side, and you have at least a combined accumulated 1200 PPV on your other side.
For example:
In the example above, your Downline on the Left side was able to recruit a new Distributor and registers him on his own Left side using an Associate Global Package (worth 1200 PPV). In doing so, it accumulated 1200 PPV on his Left side –but more importantly, it also accumulated 1200 PPV on your own Left side. Now looking at your Right side, you saw that there is a 300 PPV remainder from the previous Matched Sale and is just on waiting. You also saw that your Downline on the Right side has made product reorders worth 400 PPV. From there you realize that you just need to encode 500 PPV worth of product reorders on your Right side so that when all PPV’s on your Right side are summed up will total to 1200 PPV –which will pair the 1200 PPV on your Left side. From this paired 1200 PPV you again earn a MSB of $25.51.
3. Product to Product Match
In this scenario. the combined accumulated Pairing Point Value (PPV) from product re-orders encoded on both of your Left and Right sides are each worth at least 1200 PPV.
For example:
In the example above, on your Left side you have 2 Downlines who have encoded product reorders worth 600 PPV and 400 PPV respectively. You have also accumulated 200 PPV worth of product reorders from your recent encoding on your Left side. Combining them makes 1200 PPV. Now on your Right side, you saw that your Downline has encoded product reorders worth 800 PPV so you encoded on your Right side product reorders worth 400 PPV so when summed up, totals to 1200 PPV –which will pair the 1200 PPV on the Left side. From this paired 1200 PPV you again earn a MSB of $25.51.
Safety Features in MSB
To avoid losses from “overpaying”, the Company has set-out the following Safety Features:
- There are 2 Cycles per Day
There is a maximum number of “Matched Sales” that the Company can pay within a “Cycle” for each account. Note that it’s been established that there are 2 “Cycles” in a day. The 1st Cycle is within 12:00 AM to 11:59 AM, and the 2nd Cycle is within 12:00 PM to 11:59 PM. - There is Maximum of 8 “Matched Sales” per Cycle
The maximum number of “Matched Sales” that the Company can pay is only up to 8 Matched Sales per Cycle. This means that even if you have 9 Matched Sales within a Cycle, you will only get paid up to 8 Matched Sales. Therefore we can say that you can only get paid of up to $204.07 per Cycle for an Associate Global Package account, or $272.10 per Cycle for a Megapack Global Package account. Since there are 2 Cycles in 1 day, it means that every Associate Global Package account has a maximum potential income of $408.14 per day, whereas every Megapack Global Package account has a maximum potential income of $544.19 per day! - There is Flush Out
When 8 “Matched Sales” happen within a Cycle, a “Flush Out” will take effect. A “Flush Out” will reset all remainder PPV on waiting to zero “0” of that particular account. - Choose Gift Check or Travel Reward Points every 5th Matched Sale
Every 5th Matched Sale is not paid in cash but paid in equal value in the form of Gift Check or Travel Reward Points for AIM Travels eligibility. - No MSB if No PMA
To earn all the next month’s allowed MSB instances in your network, you must do your PMA this month. Per se, failure to do so, will disqualify you to earn any MSB next month.
What You Can Potentially Earn in MSB
The table below shows what you can potentially earn in your first year via MSB by assuming the following conditions:
- If in your first month you are able to recruit 1 Downline on your Left side and 1 Downline on your Right side. Simply put, you are able to recruit 2 Downlines in your first 30 days in AIM Global business.
- If your Downlines copies what you did in their own first month.
- If every Downlines down the line also copies what you did in their own first month.
- If you are doing your PMA monthly.
Potential MSB in Your First Year
How to Increase Your Chances
From what you have learned above, here are some things you can do to increase your chances in earning consistent MSB:
- Continue recruiting new Downlines monthly, preferably 4 recruits per month because not all recruits are as efficient as others.
- Create group of Downlines in your locality so you can help one another recruit more people by conducting live presentations and training.